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Lia Love

Lia is a Relational Intimacy Guide, Certified Somatic Sexological Bodyworker, Voice Dialogue facilitator, Ancient Ways practitioner, Dragon and Priestess of the Blue Rose Magdalen Lineage.

”Combining the tools of devotional practice, conscious-touch coaching with psycho- spiritual parts-work, ancestral healing, the Human Design bodygraph, I am passionate about supporting individuals and couples to bring conscious Awareness into the relational field of intimacy, supporting individuals and couples on their journey of embodied consent, sovereignty and empowerment to show up in their fullness in service to all Life and our conscious evolution.”

My work

Lia offers this work as a path to embodiment, allowing access to the full breadth and depth of our body’s spectrum of somatic experiencing. Bringing a culture of radical acceptance for all the parts of our system, Lia utilises the pioneering science of neurobiology learnt in her Somatic Sexological Bodywork training and the Model of Consciousness embedded in the Voice Dialogue modality to support the unwinding and metabolising of inherited and experienced trauma, allowing and enabling more freedom and real choice for her clients.

How we take care of ourselves in our everyday lives is often reflected in how we operate within intimacy with our lovers.

When we practice slowing down enough whilst in connection to notice, value, trust and communicate our needs, irrespective of whether they will be met or not, we gift ourselves the space to befriend our nervous systems, to listen to the small voice of vulnerability that may well be masked by survival ways of being.

Befriending our nervous systems is what relational intimacy is all about – being our own best friend/ally.

In my relational dojo I offer you the opportunity to practice building new ways of being from the foundational place of honouring the vulnerability, honouring the fears, concerns, ways we have numbed out and disconnected from our bodies.

When we work from this place there is the opportunity of evolving new ways that are sustainable and not just fly in the pan wonders that need someone to support us to get to.
This is integral work and my focus is building a solid foundation.

Slowing down and noticing what is occuring in the body is my core navigational tool.

I offer you the opportunity to slow down with me and practice valuing, trusting and communicating what is happening in your body, learning to listen to what you want and the space to ask for what you would like.

Coupling this with erotic bodywork and we are on the pathway of becoming relational ninjas!

” How we stay in connection with our vulnerability, our fears and concerns about opening and trusting – and at the same time stay in connection to our desires and longings for doing exactly this – without letting one override the other brings the possibility of locating enthusiastic consent within ourselves.

The sweet spot between fear and desire is the place I am most interested in supporting clients to seek out, inhabit and build a place to move from.”



I’ve has sessions with Lia both in Voice Dialogue and Sexiological Bodywork. I continue to feel incredibly grateful for the ways and depths in which Lia is able to hold space. Not only is she very present with me, but I experience her as having deep layers of understanding of complex psychologies and systems, so that when I share what’s going on for me, she is able to witness, empathise and reflect using a solid tapestry of methodologies that she weaves seamlessly, in an embodied way, with so much heart and love. So I feel very held and seen not just as an individual but in the context of my social and cultural existence, and her deep and wide insights help me bring more compassion to my wounded and hurting parts. As a result I feel less like the problem is in me, and more able to see patterns that are societal inherited and common, which helps me feel less alone, relieved, softer and therefore more empowered and motivated to tend to what wants tending to. I highly recommend Lia as a skilled facilitator and space-holder.


Lia Love is a great facilitator - she has a warm easy and welcoming manner and possesses a depth of understanding of the whole Voice Dialogue process through the many years of training that she has done with us. She is a rising star among the new facilitators in the field, her hall mark being to walk her talk, to disentangle the many strands of the inner process with care, intelligence, compassion and integrity, and to give support and encouragement to her clients from a deeply heartfelt place in herself. We highly recommend Lia as a Voice Dialogue facilitator.

Trilby Fairfax